Saturday, September 20, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Forced Perspective Set

Camera View


From Behind the Camera

Click on pictures to view movies on Vimeo

 All videos were shot on Dragonframe software and edited using Adobe Premier. 

Pitch, take one.
A fun exercise that I want to return to and try and again. The Dynamics and weight change involved in baseball pitch is great practice and fun to do. 

"Ouch", completed October 2013,
Wire Armature and Clay. 

"A Quite Moment", completed October 2013,
Wire armature covered in foam and clay. Armature I made myself with Aluminum armature wire, Pros-Aid adhesive, thread, JB Qwik and T-Nut tie downs. This video was made for a class assignment to demonstrate the use of green screen. 

"Under the Christmas Tree", my senior film completed April 2013:
All animation and post work was done by myself; props and set pieces I had help with from friends. Dailies overlooked by instructors and fellow students.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Armature Process:

Using 1/16th and 1/8th armature wire, along with MOTION PICTURES FX Pros-Aid adhesive, everyday white thread, JB-Kwick, Plumbers Epoxy Putty, and 8/32 Tee Nuts I am able to make a 10in human armature for stop motion. 

1/16th armature wire measured, cut and bent for arms and arm reinforcement. 

1/16 armature wire measured, cut and bent for legs and leg reinforcement.

1/18 armature wire measured, cut and bent for spine/head.

with normal, everyday white thread,,,,
..and Motion Pictures FX Pros-Aid adhesive I lathered the wire in the pros-aid , waited until it got very tacky,,,,

,,then made a slipknot with the thread around one end of each piece and started lashing the single pieces of wire.

After the first lashing I then started to lash the Arm/hand piece together with the reinforcement piece, using more Pros-Aid and thread.